Elder Paul Blair – Fight, Flight or Faith
Fear is one of the strongest emotions that we have in this life. Fear is largely due the fact that we do not know the outcome of the future. How do you respond to fear? Download Audio File
Fear is one of the strongest emotions that we have in this life. Fear is largely due the fact that we do not know the outcome of the future. How do you respond to fear? Download Audio File
Leprosy was considered by all as a plague of sin and those that had it were smitten by God. It still represents the process of sin and its effects in our lives. Download Audio File
The word “Communion” is translated from the Greek word “Koinonia” and is found 4 times in the Scriptures, while being translated as “Fellowship” 12 times. Fellowship / communion means that you are identified with a group, have part in it, … Continued
A witness is someone who has seen, heard, felt, or experienced something. When a person is called to the witness stand, they are there because they have knowledge of an event or action. They only bear witness when they open … Continued
The term “Flesh and Blood” indicates humanity. It includes the passing down of DNA, our character traits, the way we look and even our personality. The Son of God also took on flesh, yet not possessing the sin that got … Continued
These sermons were preached at the 2024 Annual Meeting at New Antioch Primitive Baptist Church in Lexington, TN by Elder Philip Dukes and Elder Derrick Kitchens. We pray that they will be a blessing to you. Saturday Morning Elder Philip … Continued
This is the second sermon on Eternal Things preached at Little Flock Primitive Baptist Church in Edwardsville, Illinois. Download Audio File
What does Eternal Mean? What is time? God set time in motion when He said, “Let there be light” and divided the day from the night. Since the creation, there has been an ongoing passage of time, but God existed before … Continued
What constitutes life? How do you define it? What are the evidences of it? The Bible defines and categorizes Life in several different ways. Download Audio File
Matthew 1:21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins. Download Audio File