Harmony Highlands Singing School is located near Jasper, Alabama where every Summer, students learn the rudiments of music, including beat patterns, sight reading music, harmonies, and leading congregational singing a capella, in the traditional “Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti, Do” style. There are classes starting at the Pre-school age through High school and all adults. To hear the voices of God’s Children singing praises to Him is truly a great joy and blessing.
Below are some links to individual songs that were sung at the 2019 session of the singing school. We hope these songs will be a blessing for you to both listen to and sing along.
How Oft, Alas! This Wretched Heart
How Fearfully, How Wonderfully
Gently Lord, O, Gently Lead Us
Carry On (Adapted from an African Hymn)
Below are some Hymns sung at previous Sessions of Harmony Highlands Singing School
Watchman Tell Me Does The Morning
Sweet Rivers of Redeeming Love
May The Grace Of Christ Our Savior
How Tedious and Tasteless the Hours